When you purchase a new home, you don’t expect to be blindsided with major unexpected issues shortly after closing. Unfortunately, it happens many times because the right questions weren’t asked or the previous property owner didn’t know or think it was relevant. And, even though you’ve done your due diligence with a home inspection, the inspector isn’t trained to catch all potential issues.
Important questions to ask:
1. Is any equipment rented?
– What are the terms?
– How long will I be trapped in this contract?
2. Age of furnace, air conditioner, water heater, and accessories.
3. Maintenance history of all HVAC equipment.
4. Have there been any major issues and have those been resolved?
5. Warranty remaining on equipment and is it transferable?
6. Any history of plumbing leaks?
7. Any history of sewer back ups?
8. Any history of roots in sewer line?
9. Age of sewer
10. If on a septic system – location of septic
11. If on a well, is well water potable?
12. Is there more than 1 well?
13. What water treatment system is used? And, what maintenance is required.
14. What is the water pressure like?
15. Is the water piping copper, galvanized or pex?
16. Is there open space in the electrical panel?
17. Is the wiring Knob & Tube?
18. Was all wiring done by a licensed electrician?